Assassin's creed black flag free download ubisoft
Assassin's creed black flag free download ubisoft

Like I said: Uplay is such a minor thing that there's absolutely no inconvenience factor involved and to deny yourself a great game like AC4: Black Flag because of it is silly. Sure, most of this stuff isn't game changing but it's not game breaking either and quite frankly I think it's cool for Ubisoft to give a little something to loyal customer/fans when no one else gives anything for free. And I've used Uplay points to unlock some slightly better swords early in the game. Since I owm all of th AC series I'm able to access the different outfits from the other games in Black Flag. It also gives you some content for owning other games. I find this process to be an extremely cool use of gamer achievements. Uplay also lets you use Uplay achievment points to open minor content in different games. I have about 4 or 5 Ubisoft games through Steam and I play all of them with no problems. It adds an extremely minor step when launching a game from Steam and it happens so fast you barely even notice it. I don't really see why there's so much hate for Uplay. Anyways buying through Steam is much better, as you can use that for your game download/install/repair, as well as the DLC purchases, which Steam is much higher likely-hood of having on sale at some points, or more often compared to Uplay or Origin. And it wouldn't be hard to have Uplay itself have the game download/repair options built in, especially since your account info, activated products and such info is all in there. If you some how lose the email or the game download manager app, u can lose the ability to re-download your game in the future. When u buy from Ubi/Uplay they email your receipt along with a small download manager in order to download your game. As you can't download your game directly through Uplay like Steam/Origin. After buying a game directly from Ubisoft that uses Uplay, I must say, I will never do that again. And Uplay is fairly lightweight, and it's more stable than Origin. Which I never ever liked for any game client, because how can I know what the contents of the save are, or when it is from, etc. Nothing wrong with Uplay actually, but their Cloud Sync is useless is all.


If u do not like the agreement terms, then I guess u won't be buying. You basically agree to any terms the product has (like client DRM) when u purchase something like a game. If u don't like it in its current form, feel free to wait until it reaches a stage u approve of. U don't get to dictate anything, u are buying a product.

Assassin's creed black flag free download ubisoft